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Fatigue Dynamics
A Division of Systems Integrators
Fatigue Dynamics offers a full-service line of fatigue testing machines, which include rotating beam, fracture testing, plate bending and crack initiation testing equipment. Additionally, we can machine test samples and perform testing onsite per customer specifications with reporting.
Our Products:
Sheet & Plate Bending- Model VSS 40H
Utilizes a constant displacement method of loading and has a 40 lb. force capacity, with a maximum stroke of 2″ for flexural fatigue of metals, plastics and composites.
Performs fatigue cracking of single-edged (3-point bend) notched specimens. Capacity up to 4000 lbs. at 200 to 2400 cycles/minute.
Utilizes a constant displacement method of loading and has a 40 lb. force capacity, with a maximum stroke of 2″
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